Our Internet Marketing Services
Are you wondering what all this Search Engine Optimization talk is about? Have you maximized the marketing potential of your small business website? Chances are, unless you have training in the field of internet marketing services, your website is due for an online marketing overhaul.
Full Circle Consulting will help. Our web page promotion expertise enables your business to realize substantial cost efficiencies, expand your website visibility, access new vertical markets and target new customers every day.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the fancy term to describe the art of increasing traffic to your website. Competition in the current economy is fierce and as more businesses utilize web page promotion solutions, adopting strong SEO strategies have become a major focus worldwide. Fresh content, relevant linking and good keyword research all play a vital role in your SEO strategy. Read More…
Pay-Per Click (PPC)
Pay per click is a fantastic way to enhance your website promotion strategy and obtain new visitors immediately. Full Circle Consulting can manage your AdWords campaign on Google or on any of the major search engine and social networking sites to immediately drive the right traffic to your website. Read More…
Local Business Search
Local search makes use of specialized Internet search engines that allow searchers to enter geographically specific searches against a database of local business listings. Local searches mostly consist of keywords, a kind of business or the type of a product or service. They are focused not only on the “what” but the “where”. Full Circle Consulting specializes in getting it’s clients listed on local search engines and driving local business. Read More…
Keyword Research
Keywords and keyword phrases are the terms every-day search engine users enter to find the web pages they’re looking for. An integral piece of proper SEO is to do your homework. By this, we mean conducting extensive keyword research. Full Circle Consulting will make this task easy for you. We perform thorough research of keywords and keyword phrases pertinent to your company and vertical market. We also look at your competitor sites and find what is working for them. Read More…
Social Networking Services
Socialization on the Web is becoming an increasingly effective manner in which to promote your Web site and to both draw new traffic to your Web site as well as keep current customers up-to-date on your current news feeds and activities. Full Circle Consulting understands the power of Social Networking Services on the Web and brings our expertise to our clients. Read More…
According to The Web Analytics Association, the official definition of web analytics is “the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing Web usage.” The most important aspect of collecting statistical information for your website is what you do with it. Internet data i.e. unique visitors to your site, what source they came from, regional location, conversion rates, etc. are all valuable statistics to analyze and implement the right solutions to your site. Read More…
More SEO Services

You’ve just launched your new small business website. What now? A smart first step is to seek ways of promoting your website. How are your customers going to find you? There are a number of good quality search engines and niche directories out there that allow you to submit your website to them for free. If your website is accepted into a reputable directory, you will gain a high quality backlink, which the search engines reward you for, and the potential new traffic of customers seeking your type of service.Full Circle Consulting will provide this service to your business. We are aware of the quality sites and those that have the potential of getting your site blacklisted by the search engines. We do this in an efficient manner by creating a well thought description and choosing the best possible categories for your website.

Many people are very familiar with what a Sitemap is on a Web site. They can be found on just about any major site and consist of an indexing of all of the pages on that particular Web address. What many people don’t know, is the importance that a Sitemap page carries to the search engines that are looking to list your site. While many pages can often times be missed by web crawlers, placing and indexing all of your sites pages in a Sitemap can assure that this doesn’t happen to you. Taking this a step further, by creating an XML Sitemap we can create a Sitemap that conforms to the
sitemaps.org specification. This greatly assists search engines to more intelligently crawl your Web site and keep their results as up to date as possible. XML Sitemaps are also adept at adding links for content, menu items, taxonomy terms, and user profiles. Let us assist you in the creation of your Sitemap and get noticed!

Pointing you in the right direction as far as optimizing your Web site for SEO and Web Marketing is one thing, but actually applying our principals and concepts is something else entirely. Full Circle Consulting understand this and that is why we offer copywriting services to better assist our customers in the application of SEO methods and principals. In preparation we will investigate every page of your website and suggest new ways to write entries in order to take full advantage of the research and analytics that our company can provide for you.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.This doesn’t just mean that a customer should select your products or your services over another competitors based on a selection process. Instead, this means that you should be selected because the consumer sees you as the ONLY solution to their needs.Full Circle Consulting can provide you with brand management expertise for your Web site at an affordable price.

Content is a key component for any web site. It not only addresses what type of business, product or service that you are selling, but it also needs to be clear, concise and appropriate in order to get the proper ratings from major search engines. We understand what type of content works and where this content needs to be placed within your site. We assist our clients in creating their own content by giving them advice on what works and what doesn’t as well as having the capabilities to produce top-notch web content which not only hits home with your target audience but also attracts the major search engines.